
ontrary to the popular belief of people who have been fooled by the hype of law enforcement around the world. A yardie is not a criminal above and beyond anyone else. A Yardie cheats on his taxes like everyone else. Smokes his weed, like everyone else. (Truth be told probably more than everyone else.) Drives above the speed limit, like everyone else. That's about it. A Yardie is any person who considers Jamaica his home or one of his homes. In the Jamaican parlance "Yard" means Home. Yardie is a "Homie" or a person who has, is or, in his or her heart, lives in Jamaica. The term Yardie has absolutely nothing to do with a few hundred criminals who are terrorizing different cities of the world. Those person who are terrorizing the world should be called by their correct name, Criminals!!!

Many Jamaican youths have hear that Jamaica and Jamaicans had a tradition for violence. This violence was neither random or petty. When the "natives" couldn't deal with the slavery system any longer they were forced to "make some duppy."out of the slave masters. To remove the Jackboot from our throat we had to resort to violence. The British Army would not listen to the voices of the "natives" when they asked for recognition and a piece of the economic and social pie. Therefore, they had to "nyam them food." as a matter of self-determination. Jamaicans were forced to do what they had to do, simply to survive. In Jamaica there is no animosity to the English or White People in general. Jamaica is a major tourist resort and everyone will attest to the warmth of the Jamaican people. In the USA Jamaican women are the heart and soul of the senior citizen care industry. Jamaicans are a caring people, unfortunately a few are criminals. Revolutionaries and criminals have nothing in common.

Below is a poem of revolution by a Jamaican who by virtue of his revolutionary thinking has gained international respect.

To Read Claude McKay's "Harlem Shadows" Collection
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